Wednesday, 2 December 2015

Sticks and Stones

Relationship QuotesDo you ever wonder why when you open your mouth, sometimes the most ridiculous things come out? I used to think that my brain was wired wrong. I'd be thinking one thing but saying something so completely different. It would often get me into trouble when I was a kid and as a result, I spent ALOT of time apologizing! As I grew, I learned the importance of communication. I learned that words are important. Unfortunately, I also learned how to hurt people with my words, and found my tongue to be a sword I wielded well.

Time is the best teacher and I've learned ALOT about being the friend I want my friends to be.  But to do that, you need a heart that is willing to learn from mistakes. Something you say today, can affect the people you love for many years to come. Something cruel you say to a stranger on the internet, can be the straw that breaks the camel's back. Haters don't have to hate. (Sorry, Taylor Swift). They need help as much as the rest of us.

Has anyone damaged you with words lately? Have you said something that hurt someone you care about? Perhaps you need to protect yourself from the rumours of cruel idiots. If you're depressed today let me give you some coping skills to deal with some of the external pressures.

1. Don't allow the ugly taunts to damage you. Totally ignore any taunt that is negative, even if it's said as a joke. Sticks and stones may break your bones, but words can do more damage than you realize!

2. Don't engage bullies on the internet. Who died and made them boss anyway? Give them the shade of disregard. They only have what power you give them.

3. If news broadcasts on TV upset you, don't watch them. They will only bring you down. Choose instead to do something you enjoy, like playing with your dog, or baking cookies, or go for a run. You won't miss anything on the news that you won't hear about later.

4. What kind of music do you listen to? Does it have a hateful message, or is it something that will make you feel good about yourself? Everyone knows, the music you are drawn to when you're depressed is not necessarily uplifting or positive. Have an album or song that you can turn to that will lift you out of the darkness, not hold you in it's grasp.

Have you discovered anything that helps you climb out of the dark hole of depression? Share it with us.

Let's talk.

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