Monday, 23 November 2015

The Erosion of Self

We all have a sense of self. Often it is very introverted, as we turn inward and try to make sense of all the choices and feelings we have. But if that sense of self is tuned into all the negative thoughts that eat at us, the result is often depression.

Depression is an erosion of self.

It eats at all that is good inside us and leaves us a mere skeleton of our former self. Sometimes, no matter how hard you try, the sadness permeates all that we do, all that we say and all that we think.

I'm not sure where all the negative thoughts come from, but somehow, I believe that they start when we are very young. You know how well meaning relatives will off the cuff say things like, "She really is putting on a few pounds, don't you think?" or "She's not very bright, is she?" or "He should really try harder, if he wants to be anything in this world". Or maybe you come from an abusive family, where nothing positive is ever said and all the negative is shouted instead of discussed. Getting slapped around would make anyone depressed.

Do you feel trapped? I know when I was 17 I couldn't wait to leave home. I did it just a few months before my 18th birthday and I never looked back. My life was tough and I sometimes worked 3-4 part time jobs. But it was the greatest freedom and I learned quick that I was responsible for my own happiness. It took me awhile to find my own way, and there was definitely still depression that came and went, but I survived and began to find new, positive thoughts to combat the negative ones.

Now, I'm not going to tell you that everything gets better after you leave home. Far from it! Life became more bearable for me emotionally, physically, but my real battlefield was my mind. And that battle has been with me for 50 yrs! But, I am here to tell you that you can GET THROUGH THE DEPRESSION THAT YOU ARE FACING RIGHT NOW. HERE. TODAY. Let tomorrow worry about its self.

Let's talk!

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