Tuesday, 17 November 2015

What is Strength?

Today, I'm doing pretty good, that's why I've referred to depression as being a relative matter. My day can start off feeling strong and end in a puddle of tears. I never know from day to day, hour to hour, minute to minute, just how I'm going to feel. That fact used to scare me, especially when I had small kids. They depended on Mommy to be there when they woke up, to fix their meals, kiss their boo-boos, read to them, play with them. At night, I'd bathe them, read to them (the same book over and over), say prayers with my little gentlemen. Mommy Jabeau had to be strong even when I was weak.

I think what we need to consider that a depressed person can function and look quite 'normal'. I think that the strength demonstrated by many like myself, is the true strength that the poster above is talking about. 

Over the years, this personae I portrayed changed from something that I hid from the world, into something I began to share with close friends. I began to look at my own mental health as an obstacle that could be overcome, with the right help, the right medication and people who loved me in spite of it.

I challenge each reader to examine their own definition of strength, and see if you can relate to the poster at the beginning of this blog.

And of course,

Let's talk

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